More than three decades celebrating World Water Day

We raise awareness about the importance of freshwater, its management and conservation.

Since 1993, every March 22, we remember the importance of access to drinking water, of protecting water resources and of promoting actions to address the challenges related to water scarcity and pollution.

Water is, above all, a human right. Only 3% of the planet’s water is fresh, and only 0.025% is drinking water. More than 3 billion people depend on water that crosses national borders and not all countries have cooperation agreements for the water resources they share. Water can create peace, but it can also unleash conflict.

Public health, food, economic productivity and environmental integrity depend on its equitable management. The World Water DayWorld Water Day, whose theme this year is “Water for Peace,” should serve to raise awareness of the importance of preserving, conserving and managing water effectively.

Efficient and sustainable solutions

Global warming, population growth and over-consumption, together with unsustainable management of drinking water, have led us into a crisis situation. According to the United Nations, if current trends continue, more than 50% of the world’s population will suffer the consequences of water scarcity by 2050.

Nevertheless, there is a hopeful outlook. As the UN also points out, new avenues of international cooperation have opened up in matters of access to water and sanitation around the world. In this regard, policies and legislation must be directed towards prevention and the creation of effective solutions. It is up to governments to establish regulations and controls, and to companies to create and implement sustainable solutions that minimize environmental damage as much as possible.

We must take advantage of the opportunity we have to protect this resource through responsible management and by implementing, whenever possible, freshwater recovery and decontamination systems using environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies.