We are dedicated to conserving the natural resources on which society and the economy are based, enhancing soil, water and ecosystems, respecting biodiversity and promoting circularity.
At our Innovation Center, we develop proprietary technologies aimed at mitigating climate change.
We design sustainable soil remediation systems and apply integral digitalization in all our operations.
We are able to help organizations to make their activities environmentally friendly.
We accompany them so that they can generate the sustainability indicators they need.
Featured projects
The contract with the future of the planet to ensure a decent life September 2015 marked a great milestone when, meeting in New York at the United Nations General Assembly, 193 states and leaders agreed on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A contract with the future of the planet,
The contract with the future of the planet to ensure a decent life September 2015 marked a great milestone when, meeting in New York at the United Nations General Assembly, 193 states and leaders agreed on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A contract with the future of the planet,
The Litoclean team has implemented different soil investigation techniques at a site contaminated by metals. Natàlia BlÁzquez-Pallí, Carlos Herrarte, Jenny Nilsson Vidal de Llobatera, Lucía de la Ossa, Marçal Bosch, David Garriga. In any soil and groundwater remediation project, the investigation phase determines the ultimate success, as obtaining thorough and
The Litoclean team has implemented different soil investigation techniques at a site contaminated by metals. Natàlia BlÁzquez-Pallí, Carlos Herrarte, Jenny Nilsson Vidal de Llobatera, Lucía de la Ossa, Marçal Bosch, David Garriga. In any soil and groundwater remediation project, the investigation phase determines the ultimate success, as obtaining thorough and
By: Oscar Gómez The idea behind the title of this article concerns the development of tools that allow the evaluation, analysis and interpretation of intervention scenarios in the Amazonian environment, mainly in those activities focused on the use of fossil fuels. It is undeniable that the use of fossil fuels
By: Oscar Gómez The idea behind the title of this article concerns the development of tools that allow the evaluation, analysis and interpretation of intervention scenarios in the Amazonian environment, mainly in those activities focused on the use of fossil fuels. It is undeniable that the use of fossil fuels
Many years will be needed to reverse the impact caused by the spill of more than 20,000 tons of oil near the Arctic Circle. Russia is experiencing one of the biggest environmental catastrophes in history, the largest in the Arctic, due to a spill of more than 20,000 tons of
Many years will be needed to reverse the impact caused by the spill of more than 20,000 tons of oil near the Arctic Circle. Russia is experiencing one of the biggest environmental catastrophes in history, the largest in the Arctic, due to a spill of more than 20,000 tons of
The CEO of the TEMA LITOCLEAN Group talks about her experience as a manager in a male-dominated industry. The sciences and engineering continue to be a male-dominated field. According to data from the Ministry of Education, the presence of women in university careers in these fields is less than 30%.
The CEO of the TEMA LITOCLEAN Group talks about her experience as a manager in a male-dominated industry. The sciences and engineering continue to be a male-dominated field. According to data from the Ministry of Education, the presence of women in university careers in these fields is less than 30%.
The company is increasingly applying techniques such as bioremediation and investigating their feasibility in different scenarios. The soil and groundwater decontamination sector is increasingly focusing on sustainable and environmentally friendly remediation. In this scenario, bioremediation plays an important role and is one of the most studied techniques nowadays, a bet
The company is increasingly applying techniques such as bioremediation and investigating their feasibility in different scenarios. The soil and groundwater decontamination sector is increasingly focusing on sustainable and environmentally friendly remediation. In this scenario, bioremediation plays an important role and is one of the most studied techniques nowadays, a bet
On May 20, the revision of the International System of Units came into effect, evolving to adapt to global measurement requirements. As of May 20, 2019, a kilogram is no longer a kilogram as we knew it. Coinciding with World Metrology Day, the revision of the International System of Units
On May 20, the revision of the International System of Units came into effect, evolving to adapt to global measurement requirements. As of May 20, 2019, a kilogram is no longer a kilogram as we knew it. Coinciding with World Metrology Day, the revision of the International System of Units
The Nuclear Safety Center has admitted that there are several radioactive sites. An inventory of soils contaminated by this phenomenon has been awaited for ten years. The Nuclear Safety Center (CSN) released in early October a list of up to six sites with radioactivity in Spain, outside the authorized facilities.
The Nuclear Safety Center has admitted that there are several radioactive sites. An inventory of soils contaminated by this phenomenon has been awaited for ten years. The Nuclear Safety Center (CSN) released in early October a list of up to six sites with radioactivity in Spain, outside the authorized facilities.
The administration and industry are working in Spain to prevent land degradation and recover the affected land. An FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) report denounces that one third of the world’s soils are degraded and warns of the lack of awareness of soil contamination, despite its
The administration and industry are working in Spain to prevent land degradation and recover the affected land. An FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) report denounces that one third of the world’s soils are degraded and warns of the lack of awareness of soil contamination, despite its
Begoña Mundó: Litoclean: Purpose, Vision and Mission