Women lead Litoclean’s Innovation Center lab

An invitation to reflection and action

The World Day for the Reduction ofCO2 Emissions, also known as the Global Day of Action on Global Warming, was celebrated on January 28.

This day is an invitation to raise awareness and sensitize about the effects of climate change and the negative impacts it causes, as well as the urgency of taking concrete measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Climate Change and Energy Transition Law establishes that by 2030 greenhouse gas emissions in the Spanish economy as a whole must be reduced by at least 23% compared to 1990. The United Nations Organization, for its part, highlights the imperative need to meet these decarbonization challenges by involving all social agents, as reflected in the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Climate Action of the 2030 Agenda.

The scientific evidence is clear: human activity has intensified the natural greenhouse effect, causing global warming and, therefore, climate change. In view of this reality, it is essential for each agent to monitorCO2 emissions in order to know their impact on the environment and evaluate the need to design a decarbonization plan.

This represents a great challenge and commitment for organizations. Its scope may meet regulatory needs at the national and/or regional level, or other motivations related to competitiveness, positioning, transparency, awareness…

The emergency situation we live in requires firm proposals that influence our activities or processes: measuring our carbon footprint; managing, limiting and reducing greenhouse gas emissions; minimizing energy consumption from fossil fuels; and investing in the use and development of renewable energies are just some examples of specific actions to be implemented.