Begoña Mundó will moderate the round table on sustainability in corporate management.
The sixth edition of the ARPEL 2022 Conference, in which Litoclean actively participates as a bronze sponsor and with the moderation of one of the discussion tables by the company’s CEO, Begoña Mundó, kicked off on Monday, November 14.
This is the most important discussion forum for the energy sector in Latin America, where professionals from operating and supplying companies, as well as government authorities, will give their views on the present and future of the industry.
One of the roundtable discussions will deal with the integration of sustainability into corporate management and will be moderated by Begoña Mundó, CEO of Litoclean. Sandra Martinez, Pluspetrol’s Corporate Social Responsibility Manager; Monica Tangarife, Ecopetrol’s Senior Corporate Affairs Professional; Bruno Valdez, Chairman of SNMPE’s Environmental, Social and Hydrocarbon Safety Committee; Maria Elvira Calero Leyva, GeoPark’s Human Rights Specialist, and Renata Nascimento Szczerbacki, Petrobras’ Social Responsibility and Human Rights Planning Manager, will participate in this space for reflection, which will take place on Wednesday, November 16, at 8:30 a.m. (local time).
Litoclean is also a bronze sponsor of the Conference with the aim of supporting a meeting that enhances the role of all the agents involved and promotes innovation and networking.