Companies take on the goal of combating work stress

LITOCLEAN has begun to implement NOM-035 to promote a healthy work environment.

The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) states that Mexico is the country with the highest rate of work-related stress in the world, affecting 75% of Mexicans. To address this problem, NOM-035 has been created, a standard that requires companies to identify, analyze and prevent psychosocial risk factors, as well as to promote a favorable organizational environment in the workplace.

Grupo TEMA LITOCLEAN Mexico has carried out the first stage of this standard, which focuses on identifying those workers who have been exposed to traumatic events in the past, as well as to disseminate information and establish prevention measures. To this end, it has carried out several questionnaires to its workers, the first, to find out if any of them have had traumatic experiences at work at any time that require follow-up and another diagnostic questionnaire to determine their perception of the company and their immediate managers. In addition, integration and visualization activities were carried out to find out what they were like in previous jobs, what they are like at TEMA LITOCLEAN and where they want to be in the future.

The second stage will be carried out as of October 2020, as required by the standard, and will consist of identifying and analyzing the psychosocial risk factors that may exist in the work environment, evaluating the internal organization and its effect on the worker, taking control measures and performing medical examinations.