LITOCLEAN gives a seminar on soil remediation at UAB

The objective of the talk was to show students the role of geochemistry in subsurface investigation and remediation.

The company-university link is very important for both parties, since, on the one hand, it brings training closer to the reality of day-to-day work and, on the other, it connects companies with research from the academic world, which can then be applied to their work.

LITOCLEAN is committed to this link and reinforces it with actions such as the seminar on the role of geochemistry in subsoil investigation and remediation, given to fourth-year Geology students at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

In this workshop, which was part of the optional subject Environmental Geochemistry, Sergi López, Project Manager of LITOCLEAN, explained to the students basic concepts of hydrogeology and gave them an introduction to the most common contaminants in the projects carried out by the company and what they mean for the subway environment. He also explained the different phases of the work that the company carries out on soil and groundwater contamination: a first phase of characterization, in which the evaluation of previous information, indirect and direct methods of investigation, reference standards, Quantitative Risk Analysis and the study of remediation proposals were discussed; and a second phase of remediation, in which aspects related to the different existing technologies were discussed, with special emphasis on those most often used by LITOCLEAN.

In addition, López presented real cases that exemplified all the theory explained and opened a round table in which the students’ doubts were solved and a debate was created around their impressions, in which all of them participated actively.