The inventory is publicly accessible and free of charge and is subject to comprehensive reviews at least every five years.
The Basque government has updated the inventory of soils that support or have hosted potentially polluting activities or facilities, in order to ensure the protection of the soil of this autonomous community. The new list has come into force following the publication in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country, this January, of the ORDER of December 21, 2017. The inventory is a useful information tool for public administrations, as well as for owners of activities or facilities and land owners.
The list gathers permanently updated information on the state of the soil in facilities or activities that can alter its chemical characteristics. The methodology used for its preparation is based mainly on the collection of information from municipal and supramunicipal documentary sources, field visits and personal interviews with municipal technicians, in order to identify and locate potentially polluting activities and obtain data on them.
The inventory is publicly accessible and free of charge and is subject to global reviews with a minimum periodicity of five years, as established by Law 4/2015 for the prevention and correction of soil contamination approved in the Basque Country.
We remind you that Royal Decree 9/2005, of January 14, 2005, which establishes the list of potentially contaminating activities and the criteria for the declaration of contaminated soils, obliges the responsible parties or owners of the disturbed land to carry out soil cleanup and recovery operations.