The National Accreditation Entity extends recognition to LITOCLEAN in the field of Quantitative Risk Analysis.
LITOCLEAN has renewed its ENAC accreditation for soil and associated groundwater investigation and remediation activities at national level and has extended it to the area of Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA). This credential certifies that LITOCLEAN complies with the requirements established by the different evaluation standards, works in a rigorous and responsible manner and demonstrates the effort to guarantee the positioning of the company in the increasingly demanding universe of contaminated soils.
That is why it has, since November 30, with the renewal and extension of ENAC recognition to perform the design and implementation of soil quality assessments associated with activities, facilities or potentially polluting actions, covering the following activities:
- Status reports (baseline or initial, complementary, periodic, due to change of activity, land use or decommissioning, etc.).
- Decontamination monitoring and control reports.
- Decontamination verification/certification reports.
- Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA).
LITOCLEAN’s commitment to quality is one of the company’s maxims and for this reason it works constantly to offer the best possible service.