LITOCLEAN Peru sets an example on World Recycling Day

May 17 is a day to raise awareness of the importance of properly treating waste and protecting the environment.

May 17 is marked on the international calendar as a day to raise awareness of the importance of treating waste properly in order not to contribute to climate change and thus protect the environment. On this World Recycling Day, LITOCLEAN Peru claims the role that we can all develop as actors of change.

The celebration of this day should serve as a reminder of the consumption habits of the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycleand to encourage an improvement in the behavior of society as a whole in order to take care of the environment.

LITOCLEAN Peru is highly committed to the environment and therefore commemorates Recycling Day, to which it has been contributing for years with several daily actions that add to this cause. With the slogan “Recycle me, fulfill YOUR role”, SOS Children’s Villages is carrying out a campaign to help children in which it aims to collect large quantities of paper, since 2 tons of this material can cover the complete food for five children. For LITOCLEAN it is important to reduce its consumption as much as possible, but the paper that is essential to use is recycled in the two containers available for this initiative.

The company also recycles plastic caps as well as batteries. In addition, in its quest to be an environmentally responsible company, it opted to use bags made from plastic bottles as merchandising items.

Making the planet a better place is everyone’s business and that is why the TEMA LITOCLEAN Group joins in the celebration of World Recycling Day and, more importantly, encourages it every day at its sites.