Grupo Tema Litoclean organizes together with AEQT a conference on Environmental Responsibility

On March 30, in the auditorium of the Autoritat Portuària de Tarragona will take place the cycle on legislative developments related to environmental liability and its application in Catalonia.

With the aim of providing support and advice to companies in the industrial sector to face the new challenges associated with the Environmental Responsibility laws, the Chemical Business Association of Tarragona will coordinate the conference during which the most relevant aspects of the new legislation in this area will be discussed.

Grupo Tema Litoclean will actively participate in the event as organizer, and will be part of the lecture tables in which topics such as: the new legal framework, environmental risk assessment methodologies, the position of insurers in relation to the warranty regime, and the industry’s obligations in terms of environmental liability, among other topics, will be discussed.

The event is expected to be a success in view of the interest shown by the high number of registrants to date.

For more details on the program, click here: