Cycle of environmental debates

Organized by Foment del Treball Nacional, last June 18th Litoclean participated in the conference “Challenges for the industry. Industry and contaminated soils”.

The legal framework applicable to companies in environmental matters has undergone changes in recent years that have led to higher levels of requirements and have had a direct impact on industry costs.

With the aim of providing support and advice to companies in the sector to face these new challenges, Foment del Treball coordinates the Cycle of Environmental Debates to discuss the specific areas that are considered the most innovative and those that have a relevant economic and/or legal impact for companies.

The cycle of debates began on June 18 with the “.Challenges for the industry. Industry and contaminated soils “The event discussed the contaminated soil model and the obligations and responsibilities for industrialists in this field.

The colloquium was opened with a keynote speech on Environmental Challenges for Industry by Federico Ramos de Armas, Secretary of State for the Environment.

During the Industry and Contaminated Soils debate session, Begoña Mundó, manager of Litoclean, was part of the round table together with Josep Antón Domènech, head of the Management and Contaminated Soils Department of the Waste Agency of Catalonia, Emilio Orejudo, head of the Aquifer Recovery and Improvement Unit of the Catalan Water Agency and Maribel Martínez, head of Hazardous Waste and Soils of the Basque Government.

The event, which was well attended, mainly by representatives of the industrial sector, was highly valued by all participants.