Begoña Mundó, protagonist of the press of Terrassa on 8M

Litoclean’s CEO talks about the role of women in corporate leadership positions.

On Women’s Day, the two main newspapers of Terrassa wanted to talk to Begoña Mundó, CEO of Litoclean, to learn about her experience as a manager in a male-dominated sector.

In the interviews Mundó, born and resident in Terrassa, explains her professional career, starting from her studies in Geological Sciences, where the presence of women was scarce, although it was even more so in the working world: “To dedicate oneself professionally was very difficult, I obtained a scholarship in geotechnics and then I got a job in a consultancy, but as a freelancer”.

This entrepreneurship led her to found her own company, Litoclean, specialized in the investigation and decontamination of soils and groundwater, of which she is now CEO, as well as the business group she forms with Tema.

Although the presence of women in the company is well above the industry average, Mundó says that the industrial sector is still very male-dominated: “We work with companies that until now had practically no women on the team. Most of the chemical engineers, geologists, etc. who have wanted to work in industry have had to work in consulting. The professional barriers for women are still many, “you can’t see them, but you can feel them,” she says.

It is because of this inequality in opportunities and the hard glass ceiling that Mundó defends quotas: “We need them until women occupy 50% of the positions, when we reach that point, we will discern”.

The newspapers highlight the participation of Begoña Mundó in the Consell de Conselleres l’Observatori Dona, Empresa i Economia de la Cambra de Barcelona, as well as the elaboration of the Manual de comunicación no sexista para empresas promoted by Litoclean.

Read full interview in Diari de Terrassa newspaper

Read the complete interview in El Món Terrassa