Litoclean’s CEO has received the We Leadership Awards Barcelona 2023 for best practices in equality.
The Scientific Committee of the We Leadership Awards Barcelona 2023 has decided to award Begoña Mundó, CEO of Litoclean, as “Benchmark Directive. Good Practices in Equality and Diversity in the company” for the good work carried out in the company in terms of equality.
The awards ceremony took place on Thursday, October 19 at the Esade Campus Sant Cugat del Vallés Auditorium as part of the fifth anniversary of the Women Evolution congress. The aim of this event is to highlight the talent of professionals who develop good practices in equality and promote female talent and leadership.
In her speech of gratitude for the award, Mundó emphasized that she receives it as a collective recognition: “At Litoclean we have made equality a purpose and I extend this award to the entire team, who have taken on this commitment as their own and have given it meaning”.
One of the best practices that highlights the value of the company’s work in the area of equality is the development of the non-sexist communication manual for companiespromoted by Litoclean with the collaboration of the Observatori Dona Empresa i Economia de la Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona. This initiative was born with the aim of offering linguistic resources to avoid sexism in the most commonly used documents of companies and thus bet on a more egalitarian language that represents all people. The manual was developed with the participation of all Litoclean departments and after its implementation, both internal training and audits have been carried out, resulting in an 80% compliance rate in the documents and communications reviewed at random.
For Mundó, the experience of this manual has made them “better as a company and as a team” and encourages the leaders of all companies “to commit to equality policies, to initiatives that make us grow and improve”. The CEO emphasized the “unavoidable social commitment” of the business world to a human right such as equality.
The rest of the award winners were Dr. Amanda Rodríguez-Urrutia, psychiatrist at Vall d’Hebron Hospital; Argelia Garcia, CEO of Inquieta; Ana Maiques, CEO and founder of Neuroelectrics, and Víctor Costa Orpinell, economist and journalist.