Project manager takes charge of a key area for the company
Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) is a fundamental tool for sizing an environmental problem, so its conceptualization and methodology are key to obtain accurate results and, consequently, to establish the appropriate measures in each case.
Litoclean has always worked with special attention and rigor in RCA, as reflected in the accreditations of ENAC (Entidad Nacional de Acreditación), OAEC (Oficina d’Acreditació d’Entitats Col-laboradors) and other qualifications in this area. As a result of the department’s growth, Xavier Garcia, a geologist by training who has been with the company for more than seven years and has worked for three years in the Risk Analysis area, will now be in charge of the department. For the new head of the area, this role is a challenge and a great responsibility: “Litoclean has been a pioneer in Spain in the implementation of this methodology and is a reference in the sector, so we must maintain the high level in this area given the relevance associated with its conclusions”.
“In this new stage, the main objective will be to maintain the high professional standards, looking for solutions tailored to each project, adapting each specific case to the conditions of the site evaluated and incorporating innovative alternatives, thus ensuring that our studies have robust and reliable results that allow the best possible decision making,” says Xavier Garcia.
Risk Analysis will continue to be a cornerstone of Litoclean’s work under the leadership of its new manager.