Organized by the Agència de Residus de Catalunya, the aim of the conference is to present the results of different soil decontamination projects and to facilitate the exchange of experiences related to this problem.
The event arose from the needs expressed at the conference held in January 2015: Oil as a resource. Research and sustainable decontamination The aim is to learn about new decontamination techniques and their application.
Litoclean will actively participate in these conferences. In the block dedicated to hydrocarbons, Begoña Mundó, CEO of Tema Litoclean Group, will be part of the presentation panel of the new Technical Guide for the intrusion of hydrocarbon vapors derived from petroleum, to be published by the Agència de Residus de Catalunya.
Likewise, in the block dedicated to volatile organic compounds, Marçal Bosch, Litoclean’s soil remediation project manager, will be part of the panel that will explain the in situ bioremediation of aquifers contaminated by organochlorines (dechlorination of organochlorines by dehalorespiratory bacteria), a research work developed in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
The invitation to this colloquium is addressed to specialists in the area of contaminated soils, consulting companies and industries whose activities may be related to potentially contaminated soils, universities, research centers and public agencies.
The conference will take place on March 9 and 10 at CosmoCaixa in Barcelona.