Phy2Climate holds its first congress in Spain

Litoclean has guided the visit to the pilot project in Tarragona in which it participates.

The European Phy2Climate project has met in person for the first time after a year and a half of virtual meetings. The place chosen was Barcelona, specifically the headquarters of Leitat in Terrassa, where the different participating entities have been able to exchange impressions and results of the first phase of the work. During this congress, a visit was made to the pilot project located in Tarragona, which has the technical support of Litoclean.

Phy2Climate evaluates soil decontamination capacity through phytoremediation and the subsequent use of crops to produce biofuel. Five phytoremediation pilots are being carried out in Spain, Serbia, Lithuania and Argentina.

Litoclean ‘s role as a technological and research partner consists of managing and characterizing the pilot plot on industrial land located in Tarragona, as well as advising on the technical specifications of the phytoremediation and plant trials.

Currently the pilot test has completed the first phase, in which the species that will achieve phytoremediation have been selected, and has entered the period of study of the first planting. In this phase Litoclean will maintain and study the planted species and collect the plant material produced so that it can be treated in future phases of the research.

This project is part of the European Union’s H2020 strategy and is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Circular Economy.