Personnel from the oil company and Ecuador’s Ministries of Environment and Energy and Mines participated in a training workshop on contaminated site management.
In the management of contaminated soils it is important that all the actors involved are coordinated and work together to achieve the common goal.
To this end, Litoclean has carried out a training course on environmental management and remediation of sites contaminated by oil activities in the jungle in Ecuador for Petrolia’s personnel, with the participation of representatives of the country’s competent administration in this field (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Energy and Mines). The sessions, attended by about thirty people, were of great value as they allowed the exchange of ideas, the pooling of perspectives and the discussion of strategies to be followed in each case, taking into account the circumstances of each party.
The course was given by Núria Rasós and Óscar Gómez, specialists in management of
contaminated sites and remediation processes of Litoclean, and was held at the end of December in Quito during three full days, which allowed to work in detail on all aspects of the management of soils contaminated by oil activities.
During the training sessions, the participants had the opportunity to learn about the different phases and methodologies of contaminated soil management from professionals with extensive experience in both industrial and forestry projects, as well as to resolve any doubts that may arise in this area from their different positions. In addition, the format of the training included group dynamics with practical cases, which served to expose the different visions and to value the work in multidisciplinary groups.