The dimensions of an automotive plant made soil characterization tasks difficult.
Subsurface characterization techniques must be adapted to both the type of condition and the characteristics of the site, whether it is a vast terrain or a confined space. The Litoclean team has encountered all types of situations and has adapted its methodology to each case, as in the characterization project at an electric car manufacturing plant in the State of Mexico, where sampling was done manually.
In Phase I, Litoclean had obtained evidence of potential impacts at sites near a fluid collection chute using indirect methodologies such as Volatile Organic Compound readings (gas matrix) and TPH analysis (soil matrix) “in situ” using Petroflag® Technology. The objective of the project was to quantify the degree of hydrocarbon contamination through direct methods by manual soil drilling and the execution of analytical tests through laboratories accredited by EMA (Mexican Accreditation Entity) and approved by PROFEPA (Federal Attorney’s Office for Environmental Protection).
Due to the limited space available in the plant, the Litoclean team opted to extract the soil manually, taking on the challenge of the project and solving it successfully.