LITOCLEAN plays a leading role in ARC soil contamination conference

The knowledge exchange sessions will be held on June 11 and 12 in Barcelona.

The Agència de Residus de Catalunya is organizing a conference on soil contamination in which LITOCLEAN will participate in a very active way. The conferences, which will be held on June 11th and 12th at CosmoCaixa in Barcelona, will be an opportunity to exchange knowledge with different agents from public institutions, private companies and universities.

LITOCLEAN will be part of several sessions in which the company’s professionals will present their knowledge:

  • In the session on Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA), Jenny Nilson will be in charge of the presentation about Relevant aspects for risk analysis. Toxicology and technical criteria.
  • Núria Rasós and Sergi López will make a presentation about the Indirect detection of contamination. Mobilization of contaminants corresponding to the topic Steam sampling and analysis.
  • The lectures on TPH: non-intrusive investigation techniques will include the presentation of Carles Garcia on Geophysics applied to the investigation of contaminated soils: International practical examples.
  • Joan Varias and Marçal Bosch will participate in the session on organochlorine contamination: selection of technologies and pilot tests with the presentation of the following papers The importance of pilot tests in singular decontamination projects. Practical cases.

In addition, the CEO of the TEMA-LITOCLEAN Group, Begoña Mundó the CEO of the TEMA-LITOCLEAN Group, Begoña Mundó, will be in charge of moderating the opening session of the conference, which will deal with international experiences, with the participation of people from different parts of the world.

For more information, you can consult the program here.