Litoclean has collaborated as an expert in the use of isotopes for the identification of sources of contamination.

The MAiMA research group (Applied Mineralogy and Environment) of the University of Barcelona, in collaboration with the Catalan Water Agency (ACA) and the Waste Agency of Catalonia (ARC), has organized an R+D+i transfer day on the use of isotopes in the resolution of environmental pollution problems this Wednesday, April 26th in Barcelona.
The aim of the conference was to provide information on the possibilities offered by stable isotopes in the characterization and remediation of contaminated sites. The agenda began with an introductory session, in which the current problems of contaminated waters and soils in Catalonia were put into context and the theoretical basis for understanding the applications of stable isotopes in the identification of sources of contamination, the characterization of degradation processes and calculations of degradation efficiency were explained.
In the second half of the day, some examples of contaminated sites (by nitrates, mining, or industrial pollution) were presented in which MAiMA and other collaborating companies such as Litoclean have successfully applied isotopic tools for the identification of the sources of contamination; the quantification of natural attenuation; or the monitoring of the effectiveness of induced bioremediation strategies (in situ biostimulation), and abiotic degradation treatments (such as reactive permeable barriers and in situ chemical oxidation). Finally, an open space for conclusions and debate closed the day.
In this case, Litoclean has participated in one of the presentations as an environmental consultant specialized in the remediation of contaminated industrial soils, showing a successful case where isotope determination has been applied in an in situ test of stimulated anaerobic bioremediation. This technique has allowed certifying that the decrease in concentrations observed in the target compounds (halogenated hydrocarbons) is due to the biodegradation that modifies the isotope fraction, and not to other phenomena such as volatilization, diffusion or dilution of pollutants, which keep it constant.
The presentation was given by Joan Varias, Remediation Project Manager at Litoclean, and Natalia Blàzquez, Chemical Engineer and European double degree master in Environmental Sciences, specializing in water and soil remediation and ecological restoration, who is currently pursuing an Industrial Doctorate under an agreement between the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Litoclean.