Companies must submit the Periodic Soil Monitoring Report.

Periodic status reports must be submitted to the corresponding regional administration.

Companies that submitted between 2005 and 2007 the Preliminary Situation Report for the establishment of a potentially soil contaminating activity, as established in Royal Decree 9/2005, and that have not had a substantial change in their activity since then, must now submit the Periodic Situation Report.

We remind you that periodic status reports must be submitted to the regional administration with the same content as the updated Preliminary Status Report and with a periodicity of ten years, unless the environmental license of the activity does not establish a shorter term.

On the other hand, a Situation Report must be submitted whenever there is a change of use of the occupied surface or closure of the activity, coinciding with the beginning of the cessation procedures.

Litoclean, as an environmental consultant expert in the development of soil investigation and decontamination projects, offers its services for the preparation of Periodic Situation Reports and for cessation or change of activity.

For more information, please contact