In Mexico, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) is in charge of overseeing all aspects concerning the environment. In 2010, before SEMARNAT, TEMA-LITOCLEAN obtained authorization 9-V-66-10 to execute bioventing, biopile and Landfarming bioremediation. In 2019, the authorization obtained has been modified and the Extraction of Vapors (EXVA) system has been added.
However, in 2014 the Agencia de Seguridad, Energía y Ambiente (ASEA) was created, an agency under SEMARNAT, which is now responsible for controlling the environmental part in the hydrocarbon sector, so it was of special interest for TEMA-LITOCLEAN to be able to authorize remediation methodologies for that sector.
Therefore, in June of this year, before the Agency for Safety, Energy and Environment, TEMA-LITOCLEAN obtained the authorization ASEA-ATT-SCH-0064-19 to remediate soils with EXVA technology and, two weeks ago, this authorization was modified to add three new authorized bioremediation technologies with bioventing, biopiles and Landfarming.