La Cambra launches the non-sexist communication manual developed by Litoclean

The document contains practical recommendations to avoid sexism in documents commonly used in companies.

Litoclean’s team has been working for months on the development of a non-sexist communication manual aimed at companies with the objective of making the use of language in the professional and work environment more egalitarian and representative of all people. This initiative has been carried out jointly with the company Tema and with the collaboration and advice of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and the ODEE (Observatori Dona Empresa i Economia).

The first manual, which is part of a larger collection that will be presented later on, is titled Basic Documentation Manual and contains linguistic resources to avoid sexism in the most commonly used documents, from contracts and budgets to payrolls and registration sheets. Its practical orientation, designed for simple and agile application, is its great strength.

For the creation of this guide, Litoclean and Tema formed a commission made up of professionals from different departments who compiled and reviewed the documents they usually worked with from a gender perspective, finding a sexist bias in many of them. A team of specialists in the field compiled this documentation and drew up the recommendations based on it, which both Litoclean and Tema have been the first to apply.

It is not just a matter of changing words and expressions in some documents, it is a transformation of the way of thinking and doing business,” argues Begoña Mundó, CEO of the Tema Litoclean group and promoter of the project. Anna Mercadé, director of the ODEE, stresses the importance of the initiative being taken from the business world: “There are many guides created by the public administration or from the intellectual sphere, but this is difficult to implement in companies. Now it is the companies that stand up and do something designed for them and with an agile and simple application, it is a big step”.

As of today, September 22, the document is available for consultation and download on the ODEE website( The second manual in the collection will be available at a later date. It will deal with recommendations for events and meetings and will focus not only on the use of language, but also on the presence and roles of women at corporate events of all kinds and on relations between professionals.