On this date, the TEMA-LITOCLEAN Group emphasizes its commitment to the environment.
The Environment has its day marked on the calendar to raise awareness of the importance of caring for our environment and each year is celebrated with a specific cause. This June 5, the central theme is the fight against air pollution.
The United Nations recalls that 90% of people worldwide breathe polluted air and the World Health Organization adds that nearly seven million people die each year from exposure to air pollution. Alarming figures that turn this claim into a fight for everyone.
The TEMA-LITOCLEAN Group joins the celebration of this World Environment Day and highlights its environmental commitment, reflected in its quality policy. In addition, TEMA and LITOCLEAN España, as companies originating from the group, are ISO 14001 certified, which guarantees that the environmental management system implemented complies with all the requirements for environmental studies and risk assessments, as well as for subsoil investigation and remediation studies and risk analysis.
On this day, as on all days, TEMA-LITOCLEAN works to protect the environment.