E&P Rig Site Investigation and Project Remediation
Operation: Investigation and remediation
Location: Kurdistan (Iraq)
Client: Confidential
Method: Trial pits and soilsampling. Metalsremediationpilottests.
Products: Hydrocarbons, metals (Pb), salinity
After the performance ofexplorationactivities at theWell Site in 2005, anabandonment plan isnotadequatelycarriedout. Soilcontaminationdistributionprevioustothe site investigationisunknown
Goals and limitations
Identificationofsoilpollutantsdistribution in a remote zone. SelectionofthebestremediationtechniquetofulfilAuthoritiesrequirements.
Soil Characterisation consisting of 30 trial pits and 75 simple soil shows two contaminated spots with hydrocarbons and Lead: Waste Sump and Flare Pit material.
Pilot tests design to study lead solidification and stabilization process.
Mostsuitablesolutionselected: safety cell and isolation.