Design, assembly and commissioning of the largest bioreactor in the Middle East
Action: Installation and start-up of a plant for the production of a bacterial consortium specialized in hydrocarbon degradation using a bioreactor.
Location: Middle East
Custonmer: Confidential
Engineering design and assembly of a bioreactor. Laboratory selection and development of a consortium of indigenous hydrocarbon degrading bacteria.
Products: Crude oil
Background information
Several episodes of crude oil contamination in the oil extraction areas of the Middle East have led to the development of one of the largest Excavation, Transportation and Remediation projects of its soils worldwide.
In this context, a biopile system is designed with the extracted contaminated soils on which bioremediation techniques are applied.
This system significantly reduces the concentrations of pollutants in the soils of the biopiles, which can be reused.
Objective and limitations
Design, assembly and start-up of a plant for the production of an indigenous bacterial consortium specialized in hydrocarbon degradation, based on a bioreactor, which can be used as a technological complement to the bioremediation strategy implemented to reduce the concentrations of hydrocarbons present in contaminated soils.
Enrichment and maintenance of the population of hydrocarbon degrading microorganisms in the bioreactor to be transferred to the biopiles during the bioremediation process, thus increasing the efficiency of the process.
Methodology applied
Engineering design of the bioreactor and inoculum production plant.
Selection and inoculum development of native hydrocarbon degrading bacteria:
Characterization of soil samples.
Biotreatability tests to investigate the degradation capacity of indigenous microorganisms.
Selection and development of the bacterial consortium.
Scale-up to a benchtop bioreactor.
Shipment of equipment and assembly of the bioreactor and inoculum production plant.
Calibration and general overhaul of the system.
Scaling of inoculum obtained in the laboratory to the field level.
System start-up
Preparation of operating manual and on-site training of operators.
Remote follow-up and advice.
Objectives for the design and assembly of the bioreactor production plant and the development of the indigenous bacterial consortium have been achieved, with start-up of the plant in November 2023.
Satisfactory evolution of physicochemical parameters during scaling.
Availability of the consortium for bioremediation tasks in biopiles.