Dioxin characterization in smectite, micaillite and sepiolite mines
Action: Preliminary investigation presence of dioxins
Location: Spain
Customer: Confidential
Methods: Soil and ambient air sampling.
Products: Dioxins and Furans and PCBs.
Background information
Findings of dioxins at levels comparable to the upper limit TEQ (BOE) in raw mraw material extracted in mine usesda for animal feed related purposes. feed purposes.
Objective and limitations
It seeks to answer questions such as:
Is it a significant increase in dioxin concentrations? Is it a one-off event?
Does it originate in the soil itself or in the environment?
How is the distribution of dioxins in the area?
Methodology applied
·16 soil samples ·6 samples made up of collections ·2 accumulated surface water samples ·3 ambient air samples
Statistical and trend study of analytics
Characterization of the subsoil
Data processing and results
Detailed research proposal
Dioxin contamination is superficial, corresponding to layers of soil and fill (sands and gravels).
Historical data and derivation of the TEQ value indicate that the congeners with the greatest influence are: 2,3,7,8 tetra CDD and 1,2,3,7,8 penta CDD, with the highest toxicity.
Lower quantification limits for these congeners would facilitate the assessment of the magnitude of the condition.