The success of LITOCLEAN’s research, news in La Vanguardia

Several media have echoed the results of the doctorate carried out jointly by LITOCLEAN, the UAB and the UB.

La Vanguardia has collected the results of the research carried out by LITOCLEAN, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) in the framework of the industrial doctorate of the current Environmental Technician and risk analyst of LITOCLEAN, Natàlia Blázquez Pallí.

In this study, carried out in a real case where the company worked, an aquifer with a high concentration of a toxic organochlorine compound, called perchloroethylene, was completely decontaminated using bacteria that degrade these compounds.

The success of bioremediation has also been reported in other media, such as Europa Press, ABC, Diario Siglo XXI, Econoticias, iAgua, Bolsamanía, Món Sostenible and Innova Spain, among others.