The purpose of the document is to provide data, best practices and criteria to facilitate the execution of tasks
The Junta de Andalucía has published the “Guide for the assessment of risks to human health in potentially contaminated soils”. From its approval, the soil quality studies carried out in Andalusia referring to Decree 18/2015, and more specifically the quantitative risk analyses, must be carried out following the principles, recommendations and the different procedures contained therein.
The text, available for download, is divided into twelve points, including the required quality of the assessment work, analysis methodology, data estimation, toxicological exposure analysis and risk characterization, among others.
Any significant deviations that need to be considered on an exceptional basis shall be technically justified with the relevant documents for the assessment of the following basic criteria:
- All existing contamination sources should be considered.
- All pollutant transport mechanisms should be considered.
- All possible routes of exposure should be included.
- All possible exposed receptors must be taken into account, according to the uses contemplated.
On the other hand, the purpose of the document is to make data, good practices and criteria available to the owners of potentially soil contaminating activities, as well as to entities that need to perform risk analyses as part of soil quality studies, in order to facilitate the execution of these tasks and ensure minimum quality standards in the evaluations performed.
The publication of the guide is a clear reflection of the importance given by the control bodies to environmental care, which translates into increasingly rigorous and strict processes. In this line, LITOCLEAN guarantees compliance with all criteria when designing research strategies and in each of its studies.