
Extraction of heavy cut-off hydrocarbons in offshore environment

Free- phase extraction



Pump & treat and high vacuum

TPH. Fuel

Background information

Hydrocarbon-free phase of heavy cut oil (fuel oil) in a surface of approximately 1800 m 2.

Area of special sensitivity as it is close to the coastline.

Since 2005, the site has had a hydraulic barrier to prevent the discharge of fuel oil into the sea.

Objective and limitations

Eliminate the mobile extractable free phase and avoid mobilization of the affection towards the sea.

Fuel oil thickness and viscosity: critical factors that make product extraction slow and costly.

Tidal influence: causes constant level variations in the extraction wells, conditioning extraction by means of high vacuum.

Estimated remediation time: 4 years.

Civil works

Eection of 850 linear meters of trench for for pipelines and electrical installation.
Adequacy of a 75 m long spillway section, of which 35 m are located in the intertidal zone or permanently submerged in the sea.

Methodology applied

40 extraction points with high vacuum extraction and pumping system (Pump&Treat) in 7 of them.
7 pumping points as a physical capture barrier, mitigating the mobilization of free product to the sea and capturing and retaining product.

Extraction and treatment system with 2 independent modules. System specifically designed for the characteristics of the water and the conditions of the discharge permit.

Remediation modules integrated into the environment.


Fuel oil extraction is efficient.

Product recovery

1700 l/month.