ASEA authorizes Litoclean in three new techniques for the treatment of contaminated soil

The expert soil remediation consultancy has a total of seven certified methodologies.

The Agencia de Seguridad Energía y Ambiente (ASEA) has extended Litoclean Mexico’s authorization to provide the treatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils and soil-like materials to include three new techniques: on-site anaerobic bioventing, side-of-site soil washing, and side-of-site chemical oxidation. These methods are effective in treating soils with the presence of Light, Medium and Heavy Fraction Hydrocarbons, as well as BTEX and PAHs.

With this expansion, Litoclean is authorized by the ASEA in a total of seven contaminated soil treatment methodologies, as it was already authorized in vapor extraction, biopile bioremediation, landfarming bioremediation and aerobic bioventing.

This certification, valid for ten years, is a guarantee of the quality of the service provided by Litoclean, based on the extensive knowledge of the team of professionals and the company’s long international experience.