Approval of the Andalusian Contaminated Soils Program

6.9 million to prevent soil disturbance and remediate historical contamination

The Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio de Andalucía has approved the Contaminated Soil Program 2018-2023, which will be endowed with 6.9 million euros. The plan will establish the guidelines for action in this area with the aim of preventing soil degeneration and recovering land affected by historical contamination.

This initiative, which has already been published in the Official Gazette of the Regional Government of Andalusia (BOJA), also provides for the implementation of information, monitoring and control mechanisms, as well as the promotion of coordination and cooperation among the different agents involved.

In order to achieve these objectives, the program has 12 lines of action, which include a total of 24 measures to be financed with the Department’s own resources and through European Feder funds.

The document also provides for the creation of a Monitoring Commission made up of representatives of the Junta de Andalucía (with competences in soil, water, mining and health), municipalities, environmental associations, trade union organizations, consumer and user organizations, the teaching and research community, business organizations and four renowned experts in environmental matters. This commission, among other issues, will evaluate the degree of compliance with the objectives set by the Contaminated Soil Program.

On the other hand, LITOCLEAN is registered as a Collaborating Entity for Environmental Quality (ECCA) in Andalusia. This certification guarantees its technical competence in soil decontamination and ratifies it as a reference in the sector.